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How Long Can It Take for a Child's Mouth to Heal After a Tooth Extraction?

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While most children and parents are focused on getting through the extraction itself, it's important to also know what to expect after having a tooth pulled — including how long it can take a child's mouth to heal, what to avoid after a tooth extraction, and when your child may be able to eat normally once again. Fortunately, most patients can resume a normal diet and activities within just a few days after a pediatric tooth extraction, though it can take up to a month for the mouth to heal — and even longer if proper post-treatment care instructions are not followed. Here, Lawrenceville, GA pediatric dentist Dr. Jeni Kong and the caring team at Apple Tree Pediatric Dentistry answer questions about children's dental extractions to help you and your child better prepare for the procedure and recovery period.

When does a child need their tooth pulled?

Whenever possible, Dr. Jeni attempts to save a child's natural tooth and avoid the extraction process. However, there are some situations when a tooth extraction may become necessary, whether for comfort, health, future development, or otherwise. Some of the potential reasons for pulling a baby tooth or a child's permanent tooth include:

  • Damaged tooth beyond repair
  • Severe tooth decay
  • Tooth infection that does not respond to treatment
  • Baby tooth did not fall out naturally
  • Crowded teeth
  • To make space for permanent teeth to erupt appropriately
  • To prepare for some orthodontic treatments

How does a dentist pull a child's tooth?

At Apple Tree Pediatric Dentistry in Lawrenceville, GA, our team takes great care to ensure our patients and their families feel comfortable and at ease — both physically and psychologically — during all treatments and procedures. We understand that many children have dental anxiety, and we make every effort to create a calming, enjoyable environment and experience. The specific approach used during a child's dental extraction will vary somewhat based on the reason for the extraction, the complexity of the case, and other details. Generally speaking, a local anesthetic is used to numb the area, and the tooth is gently extracted with a handheld tool. If needed, nitrous oxide (laughing gas) or oral sedation can also be used to further alleviate any anxiety, fear, or discomfort your child may experience.

How long does it take kids to heal after having a tooth pulled?

Again, the specifics of a tooth extraction and recovery can vary based on the complexity of the situation. For example, if a tooth is extracted due to severe decay or infection, healing may take longer than if a routine tooth extraction is performed on a loose baby tooth to create space for erupting permanent teeth. On average, it can take about 1 – 2 weeks for preliminary healing after tooth extraction, with full healing occurring over the course of several weeks or up to a month in some cases. Still, most children feel comfortable eating and drinking normally again after just a few days. While healing after dental extraction, be sure to help your child follow these important aftercare instructions:

  • Avoid hard, crunchy, sticky, and gummy foods
  • Avoid overly hot or cold foods and beverages
  • Stick to soft, room-temperature foods and drinks
  • Do not drink through a straw
  • Do not spit
  • Get plenty of rest and avoid strenuous activities
  • Do not touch the extraction site
  • Take medications as directed
  • Brush and tend to the treatment area as directed

With healthy habits and proper care, your child can get back to enjoying their usual smile in no time,

Facing a tooth extraction for kids in Lawrenceville, GA? Call our caring team of pediatric dental specialists today

For children who don't enjoy going to the dentist, the idea of having a tooth pulled can cause significant anxiety — for both the child and their parent — but we are here to help. To learn more about our caring, gentle approach and commitment to your child's health, safety, and comfort during dental extractions, treatments, and procedures, call Apple Tree Pediatric Dentistry to schedule your consultation with Lawrenceville, GA kids' dentist Dr. Jeni Kong today.

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