What is the Best Way to Handle My Child’s Toothache?
Toothaches are common in children of all ages, and most of them aren’t a cause for major concern. But no parent wants to see their child in pain, and there are a few ways to handle your child’s toothache. The best way to ensure long-term dental health is to make sure your child has twice-a-year dental cleanings. Residents of the Lawrenceville, GA area should contact pediatric dentists Dr. Jeni Kong or Dr. Sandra Oh at Apple Tree Pediatric Dentistry, to help their child maintain good oral health.
How to spot common causes of childhood tooth pain
The best way to handle your child’s toothache depends on why they’re having tooth pain. Understanding the most common triggers and how to spot them is a good first step toward determining what to do next. If your child has suffered an obvious injury, such as having a tooth knocked out, this constitutes an emergency situation, and you should contact Dr. Jeni or Dr. Oh at Apple Tree Pediatric Dentistry in Lawrenceville, GA right away.
Otherwise, look for signs of redness or swelling in their gums or cheeks, and check their mouth for broken, loose, or discolored teeth. Loose baby teeth are common culprits of childhood toothaches, and you may be able to help the process along by quickly pulling out a loose baby tooth.
If your child is old enough, they may be able to point to the painful spot in their mouth, which will help speed up your search for the root of their pain. Another major cause of childhood toothaches is new teeth coming in, so be sure to look at their gums for signs of early tooth growth.
At-home remedies for toothaches in children
One of the biggest causes of childhood tooth pain is food stuck between teeth; this can also cause redness and swelling in their gums. Helping them brush and floss may be able to dislodge the stuck food and relieve their pain.
If their cheek is swollen or red as a result of their toothache, help them rinse the affected area inside their mouth with warm salt water and place an ice pack or cold compress on their face to reduce the pain and swelling. For children whose pain is caused by new teeth, feeding them soft or cold foods can help reduce pain in their gums.
You may also opt to treat your child’s toothache with over-the-counter medications. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen are the best choices for minor tooth pain, but avoid applying aspirin directly to their gums, as this can cause burns inside their mouth.
When to consult a dentist for your child’s toothache
There may be several reasons to consult a dentist for your child’s toothache. If the pain has persisted for more than one day and you can find no obvious cause, your best bet will be to make a dental appointment to have your child’s mouth, teeth, gums, and jaw examined.
If you see a cavity, broken tooth, or other issues that will obviously require dental services, make an appointment as soon as possible. Any childhood tooth pain caused by trauma, such as a fall or being hit in the mouth with a ball, is another reason to schedule a dental visit as soon as possible.
Schedule your child’s regular dental checkup
The best way to make sure your child’s teeth and gums are healthy is to establish good dental habits, including brushing and flossing twice a day and having twice-yearly dental checkups. Parents in the Lawrenceville, GA area who want to help make sure their children have good dental health should schedule an appointment with Dr. Jeni Kong or Dr. Sandra Oh and the team at Apple Tree Pediatric Dentistry.