Why Are Baby Teeth Important If They Fall Out Too Soon?
Baby teeth are vital to your child's oral health and development. They help your child speak, chew, and hold a space for permanent teeth growing underneath. When primary teeth are lost too soon, remaining teeth can drift into the area, causing overcrowding for permanent teeth to come in. Tooth alignment and placement are essential for good dental health, and baby teeth play a crucial role in achieving this goal for adult teeth. Read on to learn more about premature tooth loss and the development of adult teeth from board-certified pediatric dentist Dr. Jeni Kong and her team at Apple Tree Pediatric Dentistry in Lawrenceville, GA.
What is the timeline with baby teeth coming in?
From infancy to adulthood, healthy gums produce healthy teeth. Primary teeth typically start to emerge or erupt through the gum tissue around six months. However, it is essential to begin good oral health care with your child even before their first tooth appears. During infancy, protect incoming primary teeth by doing the following:
- Wipe your baby's gums with a soft washcloth after each feeding
- Prevent baby bottle tooth decay by taking the bottle away as soon as they are done
- Don't let your baby fall asleep with a bottle of juice, formula, or milk
- Schedule your child's first dental visit on their first birthday
Why are primary teeth important?
Babies are born with all their teeth – only we can't see them. Natural tooth loss for children should begin around age six and conclude around age 13. As children develop, their dental habits should grow with them. Establishing a proper oral hygiene routine at an early age will keep your child's primary teeth healthy. Even though baby teeth are not permanent, they are an essential part of your child's emotional, physical, and social development. They also save space for adult teeth and guide them into the proper position. If a primary tooth is lost too early due to tooth decay or an injury, the adjacent teeth will drift into that space, leaving less room for developing adult teeth to come in. It can also lead to orthodontic issues down the road to correct bite misalignment and negatively impact bone and jaw muscle development.
When is it too soon to lose baby teeth?
Natural tooth loss begins around age six and should conclude around age 12. However, there is no definitive timeline for when a child starts losing teeth. Premature tooth loss generally occurs from facial injuries or tooth decay. You can prevent dental caries with primary teeth by ensuring your child follows a healthy brushing and flossing routine, enjoys healthy snacks, and drinks plenty of water. If your child loses a baby tooth before age three, contact our team at Apple Tree Pediatric Dentistry to schedule an appointment with Dr. Jeni. There are options for Lawrenceville, GA children that lose their primary teeth too soon to maintain their oral health.
Pediatric dentist near me, and maintaining your child's oral health
The foundation of good oral hygiene in adulthood begins in the early years of life. Take an active role in solidifying healthy permanent teeth by establishing a good oral health care routine at home, and encourage your child to brush twice a day, eat healthy snacks, and drink plenty of water. The bottom line: teach your child good dental health habits with their primary teeth so their permanent teeth can be healthy for life. To learn more, or schedule a dental appointment for your child with board-certified pediatric dentist Dr. Jeni Kong, contact one of our caring team members at Apple Tree Pediatric Dentistry in Lawrenceville, GA.